do you have independent scoring of what your plan will do? we put forward a plan in the beginning of the year, our budget, okay, and we had independent congressional budget office scoring which did severae things. it talked about the fact that our plan actually dealt with the one crisis, bringing down the debt deficit over $6 trillion, and it did talk about thee ability for our plan to grow new jobs, yes.s, so we ve got that kind of analysis. but you don t on this jobsis plan. but what this jobs plan iss taking pieces of our overall o vision for this country and c saying you know what? we ve got to provide incentive for the private sector to grow. you know, look at the facts, g chris. since the president has taken office, there s been 1.6 million jobs lost in the private sectorn net. we ve also seen the fact of 7 and a half million foreclosures during this president s term. obviously his economic plans are not working.t w that s why we re trying to say t