prosecutor s case that say they were reckless orok grosslye1 negligent in their omissions. in a case with a 28-year-old,lp think it s going to be harder to find someone who is responsible for an omission, but it could be that there s someone responsiblu for a co-mission. they provide a weapon or otherwise enable someone to commit a crime or encouraging someone to commit a crime can make themñre1 responsible as an accomplice. investigators will be looking invehooting. will be looking f1 o kavanagh, gabe gutierrez, kenw3 dilanian, thank you so much for start us off. appreciate it. coming up next, it s the 86th day of the year, and we have already seen more than 100 mass shootingse1 in this countr. what we are hearing from congress and the white house after in latest school tragedy. tennessee congressman steveww/s cohen will join me about whether there will be any movement federally about this latest
Zamiast zbierać próbki z Marsa, lepiej skupić się na tym - - Na Marsie wcale nie ma życia? Być może znacznie lepsze warunki panują na księżycach Czerwonej Planety, a dokładniej - na Fobosie? Japońska Agencja Kosmiczna (JAXA) chce wysłać tam