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Most people, even animal lovers, are pretty scared of sharks. Most depictions and coverage of sharks suggests that they are violent, dangerous creatures. However, sharks actually have reason to be way more afraid of humans. A significantly greater number of sharks are killed by humans every year than humans killed by sharks (I’m talking hundreds vs. millions.) Sharks are complex and can even be quite sweet towards humans. However, even if sharks were completely vicious and violent creatures, they are still sentient beings that deserve to live. Sadly, the shark fin trade causes millions of painful deaths every year for these poor animals.
It’s those particular slaughter facilities that remain of grave concern for Giovana Vieira, veterinarian and Ph.D. in Animal Behavior and Well-being. “Although it was a small victory for the animals and slaughterhouse workers, Biden’s executive action did not revoke the 54 waivers that were granted to poultry slaughterhouses to allow them to operate at 175 birds per minute.” In other words, there are still millions of chickens enduring increased slaughter speeds and the associated dangers of injury and harm.
Vieira also points to a related, ongoing concern for chickens being slaughtered by the billions each year in the US: live-shackling. Animal advocates around the country are currently campaigning against this especially inhumane aspect of slaughter, which involves hanging birds upside down by their feet and submerging them into electrified water before running their throats across a blade. “Workers shackling chickens must hang dozens of birds per minute
15 AIP Diet-Friendly, Inflammation-Fighting Plant-Based Meals
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A garden getting attacked by underground animals can be a disappointing surprise. Things seem to be going wonderfully, the tops of those carrots gloriously green, the cabbages crunchy, then they are just withering away or missing altogether. The promise of fresh produce is suddenly broken.
While there are aggressive farmers and gardeners who go in for poisons and baiting, many of us would prefer not to kill animals, pest or not. Luckily, there are many humane methods for deterring moles, voles, gophers, and more.