A Trauma Survivor’s Battle With Self-Confidence
The grooves to be aware of in trauma survival.
Often, surviving adverse childhood experiences (ACE) can engrain certain behaviors in your subconscious beliefs.
This article will explore those, alongside the challenges that might bring to having self-confidence in a fast-paced and chaotic world.
Many experiential grooves are cut in the brain and body from ACE, to keep you safe. That’s great, because if you’ve been through those experiences, and you’re here reading this, then it worked. You’re safe, and you made it to adulthood.
Many people want to go back in history and change the past, without full awareness and compassion for how vulnerable and helpless a child can be. It’s easy to forget. Sometimes, the body’s mechanism of freeze or fawn kicks in because it’s necessary. The key is to heal and reconcile these experiences easier said than done.