Corangamite Shire has welcomed a Federal Government announcement to improve mobile broadband services in Scotts Creek and Ecklin South. Member for Wannon.
Ecklin South farmer Michael Krybolder.
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Dairy farmers looking to maximise home-grown feed production and utilisation are invited to attend one of two upcoming courses.
The industry renowned Feeding Pastures For Profit (FPFP) returns this year and will again provide the foundation for best pasture and feeding management.
Participants will learn how to improve farm profit by growing the maximum quantity of high-quality pasture, along with using purchased feeds appropriately to further drive profitability.
Ecklin South farmer, Michael Krybolder completed FPFP when he returned to the family farm two years ago.
Mr Krybolder still uses the information he learned from the course every day to help make informed feeding decisions for his 450-cow herd.