Tech Mahindra on Monday reported a 34.51 per cent year-on-year (YoY) rise in consolidated net profit at Rs 1,081.4 crore for the March quarter of the financial year 2020-21 (FY21) as against Rs 803.9 crore posted in the corresponding quarter last year. On a sequential basis, the figure was down 17.4 per cent from Rs 1,309.8 crore. The March quarter revenue stood at Rs 9,729.9 crore, up 2.5 per cent YoY and 0.85 per cent quarter-on-quarter (QoQ). The IT major had posted a revenue of Rs 9,490.2 crore in the same period year-ago and Rs 9,647.1 crore in the December quarter of FY21. In dollar terms, revenue came in at $1,329.6 million, up 2.7 per cent YoY while it grew 1.6 per cent QoQ. The revenue growth came in at 0.7 per cent in constant currencycurreny (CC) terms.