in my chest as a six year old that we were in a really serious situation, something awful was happening. now, you mentioned your writing, you mentioned your books, there ll be plenty of people listening to this, watching it who don t know your books, don t know that james daunt, the man who runs waterstones books, told us that you re one of the queens of saga writing. you sell a lot of books, ebooks, not that many in bookshops, as it turns out. but i think we sell quite a few. quite a few, yeah, probably a lot more than i ever sold, by the way. it feels to me like your writing, particularly that first one, the four streets, and you ve written a follow up just now that s been published recently, contains a kind of nostalgia for that world that you grew up in in liverpool. is that right? well, so there was another side to the story. and by the way, just on the book shops bit, so the major supermarkets are probably my biggest sellers and thank you to james daunt. so yeah, i wouldn t say i
ebooks, not that many in bookshops, as it turns out. but i think we sell quite a few. quite a few, yeah, probably a lot more than i ever sold, by the way. it feels to me like your writing, particularly that first one, the four streets, and you ve written a follow up just now that s been published recently, contains a kind of nostalgia for that world that you grew up in in liverpool. is that right? well, so there was another side to the story. and by the way, just on the book shops bit, so the major supermarkets are probably my biggest sellers and thank you to james daunt. so yeah, i wouldn t say it s a nostalgia, but we were all poor, we were dirt poor. and in those and those that kind of environment, communities do tend to pull together. so, you know, in our street particularly, there was someone who had a pan that fell off the back of a ship. and on a wednesday night, which was a poor night, everybody would contribute something into that pan and it would just be a scouse of sorts.
CLEVELAND – April 13, 2022 – As part of its ongoing library advocacy, today OverDrive released a growing list of publishers that now offer “ OverDrive Max ,” a digital book access model for schools and libraries developed to meet growing reader demand.