Nell’acquisto digitale Roma supera Milano. Ma il capoluogo lombardo è al primo posto, per il nono anno consecutivo, e la capitale al secondo tra le città che .
E' Milano la regina indiscussa delle città che leggono di più: per il nono anno consecutivo è al
primo posto nella classifica di sulle città italiane che hanno acquistato più libri pro
capite nell'ultimo anno. (ANSA)
i want to rereport to you my book, american marxism was number one in the new york times best seller list, hard cope, number one ebook and hard copy. and canadian look list, it has out sold next 15 books nonfix combined. first week sales of 400,000. in all formats, 400,000 of you have taken the time to aquite ae the book, and want to know how to seat of country, i m how on save the country, i m with you, an aspect of the book, chapter 6, media, i wrote a book on media, called unfreedom of the press, this is different, it is important. a few exceptions if we had a media here, that were honest, and actually reporting news, we
book, american marxism was number one in the new york times best seller list, hard cope, number one ebook and hard copy. and canadian look list, it has out sold next 15 books nonfix combined. first week sales of 400,000. in all formats, 400,000 of you have taken the time to aquite ae the book, and want to know how to seat of country, i m how on save the country, i m with you, an aspect of the book, chapter 6, media, i wrote a book on media, called unfreedom of the press, this is different, it is important. a few exceptions if we had a media here, that were honest, and actually reporting news, we would not be in this situation
How technology changes traditional books Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
06/06/2021 15:08 GMT+7
Human knowledge has been digitized for cyberspace in the Internet era.
Thu Huyen, 25, pulled out her Kindle device, typed the book title and read the long novel The Fountainhead on the screen.
Like Huyen, many young people consider reading books on electronic devices an indispensable part of modern society, where holding a thick book in public is inconvenient and unusual.
Many things that can be read on smartphones, tablets or e-book devices, from novels and love stories to picture books. Audio books are available also.