0h, big shot. listen, everything in your life happens for a reason. so these things what happened for her were bad, but then what happens in life is you take the bad and you make it good. bit of a swelling on the . forehead of ebonie jones. you know i think these things what have happened, you know, is going to make ebonie really really, really strong in the mind. that s better from - maisoke, using the jab, trying to use her range. there, she s having a bit of success now. you never know, she might even take all that aggression out in the ring, so you might see a new ebjones in the ring. no and especially when you re boxing someonej like ebonie jones who s. as aggressive and as full of energy and a real spirited performer, i she comes out - of the trap so fast, good right hand to the body there from her. i so i ve been knocked down to absolute rock bottom, notjust one thing but things pile on top of each other.
you re overloading, you re leading off to the right hand, she s a tall girl, we can t do that. and i managed to come up from that. you won t get this day back again, alright? and from that obviously i ve learnt, i ve learnt that yeah i can come up from anything. seconds out, sixth and final round - final session, ebonie jones in with the more experienced vaida masiokaite, 11 years older. this performance from ebonie jones, who announces herself on the professional scene, and the family and friends are all there for her. eb, she came in with the old hat, the western hat, matt wanted a performance and he got one, well done ebonie. 0h, eboniejones, oh, eboniejones.
to themself why the hell do i put myself through this. you think why do i it? this is what i ve been wanting, in them years that i haven t been boxing, in them years i ve been down this is what i ve been dreaming of doing, so i m thinking ebonie don t start getting nervous now and thinking oh i don t want to do it because this is all i wanted. i ve never wanted something to be over so fast in all my life. i just want it to be fast forwarded to her being like her hand being put up in the air and all that and just done. and now set to make her way into the arena, ebonie jones. go on, ebonie! go on, girl!