The Problems and Promise of Forest Plantations in Kelantan. This is Part 3 of our four-part #LadangHutan series. ON A NOVEMBER afternoon after a drizzle, planter Sia Beng Hock stands by a dirt road in the Relai Forest Reserve, Kelantan. Around him, batai trees.
The Problems and Promise of Forest Plantations in Kelantan. This is Part 3 of our four-part #LadangHutan series. ON A NOVEMBER afternoon after a drizzle, planter Sia Beng Hock stands by a dirt road in the Relai Forest Reserve, Kelantan. Around him, batai trees.
Okara hit headlines in international media during General Musharraf’s regime when tenants of military dairy farms, spread over thousands of acres in the district along the National Highway, resisted the army administration’s plans to change around a century-old Batai system into a rent system in 2000.
This led to a movement for ownership rights by tenants ploughing the fields since 1913, when the land was given by the Punjab government to the military on a 20-year lease that was never renewed. The ongoing struggle has resulted in the deaths of over a dozen tenants inviting the attention of human rights watchdogs across the globe.