phony. and in the book, i walked through all the elements of the prosecutor s case and russian collusion andch show that from adam schiff to everyone else who said they had inside information they had seen confidential information, i expose all of that in the book, the truth is, there was no confidential information. they didn t have any secret information. it was a weaponization of law enforcement, the national security operations, and targeted, in my wildest dreams i couldn t imagine this, targeting a president of the united states, to undermine his presidency and to try and remove him from office. there was no way i was going to ever be a participant in that. b sean: you know what i ve concluded, paul, as a result of this, we don t an america any more under the lawyer, we now have the criminalization of, political differences in this
governor, and i know you ll be a good governor for georgia. we appreciate you being with us. thanks, sean. b sean: up next, highlights from several town halls this past year you don t want to miss.
he has never met a camera he doesn t like. i mean, it is crazy although this is a little bit ironic. i don t know if you requested on your radio show, but buck sexton srequested him on the radio shw and you know what, he s too busy, he doesn t have time to spend 15 minutes with us. b sean: he was tied with me early on but now exposed. nih money going to the wuhan lab and the fact that he was told january 31st, 2020 it was manipulated in a lab. he might not want to answer those questions, clave. i think you are right. it is amazing how much he doesn t want to do media when they will actually ask him questions worthy of being asked that he can go on msnbc and cnn. i thinkey they basically got a green room named after him overt there but they can t do anything that will ask legitimate questions of him. sean: all right quickly and 30 seconds, kayleigh mcenany tell us about your book.
to be believed. no one gets through process or presumption of innocent. guilty as charged. not only do women like dr. ford who bravely come forward need to be heard but they need to be believed. they need to be believed. ip i just want to say to the men in this country just shut up and zip up. do the right thing. a let me say at the outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here. i believe her. i stand with her. you hope she shows up on monday? i don t think she should be bullied into this scenario. i believe her. i believe professor ford. i think she is credible. b sean: uh-oh. democrats have a very serious me too problem themselves. i want to see how many of those very same democratsos will now say i believe. why? the lieutenant governor of virginia, justin fairfax, who many democrats want to replace northam if he resigns, he is facing tonight a serious charge of seriousio sexual misconduct. earlier today, he finally
huckabee sanders, we are graced with sarah s presence tonight. i have to say, i am a little starstruck. i love you as aunt lydia in the handmaid s tale. i actually really like sarah.nd i think she s very resourceful. like, she burns facts and then she uses the ash to create a perfect smoky eye. like, maybe she s born with it. maybe it s lies. and i m never really sure what to call sarah huckabee sanders. you know? is that sarah sanders, is it sarah huckabee sanders, is it cousin huckabee, is it auntie huckabee sanders? what is uncle tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? b sean: by the way, sarah, kellyanne, they took it with incredible grace, especially sarah sanders right there. this so-called performance was so bad, so mean-spirited, even the association s president regrets over wolf s remark and