Southampton Airport plans to be decided this month A FINAL decision on controversial plans to expand the runway at Southampton Airport is set to be made this month, it has been confirmed. The proposals to expand the runway by 164m will be discussed by Eastleigh councillors on March 25. It comes as the Eastleigh Local Area Committee will be asked to make a final decision on the scheme. The meeting will start at 10am and will be held online as a Microsoft Teams live event. The agenda for the meeting and a recommendation on the plans is yet to be published.
A PROPOSAL aimed at giving residents more say in decisions is set to be discussed. On December 4, a consultation began in Eastleigh to ask residents if they wanted a new parish where they live. Currently, Eastleigh town is the only location in the borough not to have a parish council, and decisions that would normally be made by parish councillors are mostly made by the Eastleigh Local Area Committee. If created, it is claimed that the new body would give residents a greater say on how the budget for local services is spent. Leaflets were handed out in December asking businesses and homeowners for their opinions, with the consultation ending on January 25.