Release Date: Nov. 14, 2020
Number of Cigars Released: 1,000 Boxes of 20 Cigars (20,000 Total Cigars)
Number of Cigars Smoked For Review: 3
I smoke far fewer lanceros these days than I used to, but it’s still pretty clear that this isn’t a proper lancero. It’s close to a lancero and certainly not a Churchill but I feel some sort of obligation to point out that 42 ring gauge is not a lancero, but rather a Lonsdale, though this is on the longer end of that designation. One cigar has a cracked foot, but otherwise the cigars look fairly appetizing, or as appetizing as a cigar can be given my plans are to smoke it and not eat it. The aroma from the wrapper smells of barnyard over nuttiness and some cocoa. From the foot, I pick up a much sweeter aroma with earthiness, white pepper and a floral sensation that reminds me a bit of daffodils. The cold draw varies; two cigars have some of that daffodil flavor along with bourbon, gingerbread and a honey-like sweetness. Another has a muc