“The role of certain third parties to embolden Armenia’s revanchist behavior is also cause for serious concern, as it tempts Armenia to resort to increased military provocations and bellicose rhetoric,” said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov as he
“The role of certain third parties to embolden Armenia’s revanchist behavior is also cause for serious concern, as it tempts Armenia to resort to increased military provocations and bellicose rhetoric,” said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov as he
“Despite devastating consequences and unhealed wounds of war and occupation, Azerbaijan offered Armenia peace based on mutual recognition and respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within their state borders
“Since August this year, 2,728 2021-Armenia-production anti-personnel landmines have been detected in the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan. The minefield of newly planted Armenia-produced mines was already checked by the leadership of the Russian peacekeeping