It is. Please. Please to be one of my favorite songs. Rocket men Elton John could be mean folk to. Celebrating my birthday which started out with the doors to Alabama song very appropriate with me right now with the whiskey bar Bama song great show yeah thank you yeah and after that oh with pictures of Matt take man up with Status Quo intent him peppermints by Strawberry Alarm Clock we ain t got nothing yet but the blues from the goose and of course last. Beautiful song as my opinion has the rocket man had to 1st hit by Elton John in 1971 so. Frank a lot of memories from a young hood so we got a shadowed Actually we got a call from my brother my sister in law. And she s give me a child which are me I happy birthday Rachel thank you I love you and thank you for calling in and everybody else who called. Actually everybody else that s listening in in that has called you know people that are texting and and wishing Joe a happy birthday a lot of texts and everything so he s got a My smil
Such. A fine you re all stars while a classic Nixon German. Mommy that s with the peed gone there were 3 guests no longer with us unfortunately but what a great talent he did so much work with joint but check when they had their group together it was gone by that it s. Gone their tremendous voice that we always will remember his talents now was a by all stars live from a recording of a board from Puerto Rico and that took place let s see it in the night but in 1904 . Nelson was because my correct me on that about. Being pop or look. Any many more on a plane that night I did me. I would have loved to have been there and there s Gentlemen welcome. It s again it s going to be God s 3rd fund drive for this month I believe the front row will be ending at the end of this month so Kathy will take it take it to the end along with Armando and going to have sunset on Eva and right now you can call I mean if. You don t want to wait don t you hate to wait so give us a call 888-189-8557 extension
So facing an uphill struggle Andrew would tell us why Class Matthew Kenyon rounds of baseball that fantastic sub 2 hour run at the weekend and 7 rusty talks to the b.b.c. About his latest book An American rage that nominated for the Booker Prize all coming up in the east. Us with the b.b.c. News the government of Ecuador has agreed to repeal a law that scrapped fuel subsidies after 12 days of mass protests by indigenous people that brought the country to a standstill in return the leaders of the indigenous movement say they will and their protests will grant has this report with the country watching live coverage of the negotiations the un representative in Ecuador announced that the government and the indigenous leaders had reached an agreement which would leave the controversial decree 883 without effect to create 3 was the hugely unpopular austerity measure which lifted few subsidies and which had been imposed as part of an i.m.f. Loan deal the protest leaders in the room applauded
It is connected prime corruption so this is everlasting par this inconsolable far why have the property not only of assimilating all things cast into add to its own nature but of Macon them in consumable like itself some take the whole and a good sense as referring to the influence of the Spirit of God in the hearts of believers which shall answer the same and to the soul and preserving it from the cunto age and that is in the world as salt did in the sacrifices offered to God to preserve them from putrefaction at this point Clark refers to commentator John traps note on this verse the spirit as salt must dry up those bad humors in us which breed the never dying mom and as fire must waste our corruptions which else will carry us on to the quench of all fire then Clark continues perhaps the whole is an allusion to the purification of vessels and especially such metallic vessels as were employed in the service of the sanctuary probably the following from Numbers Chapter 31 verse 23 May
When c Don t wait if you wake up to Morning Edition every week day tune into the puzzle on Weekend Edition or catch up with b.b.c. World Service over night you should consider supporting k.u.n.c. Because without members we wouldn t have any of those programs join now. 6 am in London hello welcome it s nice day from the b.b.c. World Service learns. We re going to talk about northern Syria where the Kurdish forces say they re going to get help of the Syrian government to halt Turkey s border offensive Who else is going to join in this new front in the endless wars in the region government and popular demonstrations and abandon its plans to say cut the economy double the price of diesel and face the consequences is the lesson that the latest from Japan in the aftermath of Typhoon and in business Facebook s digital currency plans are facing an uphill struggle Andrew. Plus Matthew. Fantastic sub 2 hour run the week. Rusty talks to the b.b.c. About his latest book An American road trip nomi