The goal of replacing the decades-old lift is to increase mountain capacity, shorten lift rides and help promote BigRock as a family skiing destination.
Fri Oct 20 2006 at 23:18:52
It’s 1534, and Jacques Cartier is on his first voyage. He has seen barren, forbidding land, shot thousands of strange birds, discovered the Gulf of St Lawrence, and yet, he has much to learn.
July 7th. Cartier approaches the Bay of Chaleur. Without warning, his ship is swarmed with 50 canoes full of “fierce, warlike” peoples waving sticks menacingly. Panicked, Cartier ordered that a cannon be fired over their heads. The canoes left in a hurry. Thankful for his victory, Cartier hoped this would be the last he’d see of the ferocious natives.
But it was not to be. The next day, 300 natives returned. After Cartier’s initial alarm, it was soon realized that the reason they had been waving stick topped with beaver pelts at him was not to challenge him, but to trade. Relieved, he began to trade the fur for beads and knives. He later recorded that they had “bargained away all they had” for the tools the French offered.