Easter rice pie
Buongiorno amici:
In this column, we’ll talk about Easter Rice pie. At Easter time, every Italian family makes rice pies or
Torta di riso in Italian. One of those pleasant memories that immigrants brought with them in the crossing path to the New World, and one that ritually reappears on every table. It is not complicated to make, but you will need time and patience. My suggestion is to make more than one batch and give it away as a token of happiness and renewal. Let’s find out more about it and make it together. Rice torta is a typical dessert of Emilian cuisine: a simple and straightforward cake made with rice and milk. The soft and creamy filling enhanced with pure vanilla melts on every bite with an incomparable and luscious fragrance. It is a dessert with very ancient origins and prepared in Bologna, already around 1400, on the occasion of Corpus Domini, at the end of May. During the event, balconies and windows were richly decorated with colored drapes