Has the Easter outfit gone extinct ?
I do not know whether it is the pandemic or the times have changed, but I feel the days of getting a new Easter outfit have passed us by. In looking at social media on Easter Sunday many are congenial in wishing all a happy Easter, but missing the pictures of people dressing up. There are many throwback pictures of families handsomely attired taken before or after church.
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I have read where the catholic church reported that attendance at churches here in the United States of America are down over 20 percent. Of course with the pandemic some churches had to limit their attendance. So those families who are not worshiping on Sunday are forgoing the Easter outfits.
As a little girl I loved Easter. What’s not to love? My sister and I always got a new “Easter outfit” which included a frilly dress of our choosing, lacy socks, shiny new patent leather mary janes, a hat and even little white gloves. No, I’m not nearing 80, that’s just the way my mom wanted to do things.
Coloring enough eggs to exhaust a barnyard of chickens, we were artistic geniuses. The night before the big day we’d be filled with butterflies of anticipation for the beautiful, loaded basket that giant rabbit would drop off in exchange for the large carrot left as an offering of gratitude . and yes, we believed!