Reporter it was actually steam. This cell phone video shows just how much. It was that high, like seven stories high. Steam coming out. Reporter Officials Say right around 9 40 this morning, here on 58th street between 6th and 7th avenues, a problem underground sparked a chain reaction. The water leak is what caused a steam issue, obviously water affects the steam pipes in the ground and then you have steam coming up through the ground. That water pipe beneath the roadway sent enough water pouring on to the steam pipe that heavy thick vapors poured out in actually two spots right near each other. Was it a lot of steam . A lot. What did you do . Run away. Reporter including many construction workers who were right in the middle of a job, in a building that stretches from 57th to 58th street. Seconds after the pavement buckled and that steam soared in quickly leaving the area after getting an order on their radios to evacuate the structure. Next thing you know, i see one of the developer
Blessed with some 300 calendar days of sunshine, El Paso, Texas has something that Canadians sorely crave in winter: long, moderately warm days of outdoor adventure.
Échec de la loi sur le CO₂ – «Le temps de la punition est terminé»
Patrick Eperon, délégué politique du Centre patronal, était un des fers de lance de l’opposition à la loi CO₂. Il savoure.
Julien Wicky
5 commentaires
Patrick Eperon, à droite, jubile à l’annonce des résultats sur la loi CO₂. (KEYSTONE/Anthony Anex)
Patrick Eperon, tous les partis sauf l’UDC soutenaient la loi, les principales organisations économiques aussi. Vous étiez au fond bien seul au front. Comment analysez-vous ce résultat?
C’est une gigantesque claque à tout l’establishment politique, économique et médiatique de ce pays. C’est un séisme pour la Suisse. Très franchement, jusqu’à un sondage que nous avions réalisé en mars et qui donnait seulement 56% de oui, on s’est mis à y croire. Nous avions donc bonne chance de limer le oui, mais gagner, c’était presque inespéré.