In my library is a priceless book, “The Tread of Pioneers,” by Charles H. Leckenby, longtime publisher of the Steamboat Pilot. It gives a great snapshot of the settling of northwest Colorado and the differences between Ute.
Saddle Sore
The “Four Pass Loop” hadn’t yet become a legend, but this camping out business started early for me. My grandmother Nellie Sloss and her sister, Julia Stapleton, started taking me on camping trips when I was very young. Their favorite haunt was Lenado as both ladies had taught at various times in the one-room school house there. Last time I looked, the building was still standing.
We’d lie under the stars, no tent, after fixing supper around the small campfire, and catch the falling stars as stories of days gone by would be softly voiced, along with the cool breeze whispering through the pines. Bears, oh yes, bear stories, mainly ‘cause I’d ask for them, but they always seemed to be of the friendly sort. My older cousin, Don Stapleton, would go with us on occasion.