What a difference a week can make. With temperatures in the 40s over Memorial Day weekend some people may have turned on the heat. Now, they’re thinking about.
New Sprague farm provides fresh vegetables, meat and other services
Macy Cronkite offers beginner horseback-riding lessons on 13-year-old large rescue pony Serenity Hope nicknamed “Fat Pony.” (Photo by Jan Tormay)
Peter Lambert feeds chickens, which include a Psaltice, Frizzle, Wyandotte and Turken. (photo by Jan Tormay)
Macy Cronkite, carrying her 6-week-old baby, Newton, stands with emu Frankie, the farm’s manager and protector. (photo by Jan Tormay)
Pumpkin, a natural dewormer for livestock, is one of the animals’ favorite foods. (photo by Jan Tormay)
Engaged couple Adam Lambert and Macy Cronkite, carrying their 6-week-old baby, Newton. The couple purchased the farm in November 2019. Initially, they said they were surprised at how supportive and welcoming their neighbors and town hall workers were. (photo by Jan Tormay)