Luminance â 12x600s â 120 minutes â binned 1x1
RGB â 6x300s â 30 minutes each â binned 2x2
210 minutes total exposure â 3 hours 30 minutes
Imaged on March 3rd, 2021 at the Danville Conservation Area (New Florence, Missouri) with a SBIG ST-8300M on an Astro-Tech AT90EDT at f/6.7 603mm.
LRGB - Comments is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes, NASA, Hubble, space missions, stargazing, and more is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes, NASA, Hubble, space missions, stargazing, and more
227 The Eta Carinae Nebula is one of the largest region of ionized hydrogen gas in our Galaxy. Expanded in a distance of 260 light years it has seven times the size of the Orion Nebula. The photograph only shows a partial view of the complex. The Nebula has produced the Star Eta Carina which is among of the most massive and luminous star in our Milky Way. NGC 3372 present us its generous detail and regions formed of bright and dark interstellar matter. The Eta Carinae Nebula was discovered by Abble Lacaille during his 2-year journey to the Cape of Good Hope in 1751/1752.
most of the things they re really you know very important for us as human beings you can t. i don t fear the someone is going to simulate the human brain. in europe or in the nine states or in japan and you know and then we were absolutely tops is not going to happen that is baloney you know and i don t believe in that for a minute science may never discover how to build an artificial version of this small organ which weighs less than one and a half kilos. we have this i would say irrational optimism that there s nothing human beings can t understand and i am sometimes my students can a dog understand how our brain works and they say of course not it s a dog there s a little brain and i say yes our brain is a little bigger but first earthlike are things we can t understand and our own