South Dakota families are struggling to find quality childcare. Affordable preschool opportunities are also in high demand. A new approach addresses this crisis with early learning communities throughout the state. The goal is to promote better access at the local level.
KNBN NewsCenter1
December 13, 2020
RAPID CITY, S.D. Early Learner Rapid City is an initiative that functions to ensure children have access to quality early learning experiences, and over the last year, the organization has teamed up with United Way of the Black Hills to create a resource for families.
Recognizing the importance of early learning not just for young children, but also the community, and following the National League of Cities Early Learning Action Guide, Early Learners has begun a four step process. The first phase has been the gathering of resources for the community. Compiling the information was a year long process, and is a more convenient and expedient way for educators and parents find information vital for early learning.