In-Person Voting Is Best for Massachusetts [OPINION]
Secretary of State William Galvin plans to introduce legislation this month that would make vote-by-mail permanent in Massachusetts. Galvin s bill would also expand early in-person voting and would allow municipalities to offer early in-person voting as well.
Galvin says he also plans to continue to advocate for same-day voter registration in Massachusetts. Current law requires residents to register at least 20 days before an election to participate.
Boston Heraldreports Galvin believes the vote-by-mail system used last year because of the pandemic was enormously popular with voters. But it was only temporary. Many voters have made it clear that they want this option to remain available for all future elections, Galvin said.
Daily News staff
Are you ready for another election?
Voters across Rhode Island will once again be returning to the polls on March 2 to cast their ballots in a special election to determine the fate of seven state bond questions.
Here s what you need to know ahead of the vote.
Feb. 9 Deadline to Submit Mail Ballot Applications
Feb. 10 Early In-Person Voting Begins
March 1 Early In-Person Voting Period Ends
March 2 Special Refernda Election; Polls Open
1) Higher Education Facilities: $107.3 million
These bonds would provide funds to the State of Rhode Island to pay for higher education-related construction projects at the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College and Community College of Rhode Island. None of the funds would directly impact facilities in Newport County.