Community mourns the loss of Linda and Anthony Oyster [Linda] will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Certainly our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is touched by this loss. as friends, community members, and colleagues, we will continue to love and support the holt family in whatever [we] can, Benner said.
Posted: Jul 10, 2021 7:03 PM
Updated: Jul 10, 2021 7:13 PM
Posted By: Chris Lindsay
NORTH BEND, Ore. - Community members are reacting to Linda Oyster s death, and some have come together to raise funds for the family. Her life tragically lost, weeks after Oen Nicholson, 30 reportedly struck her and her husband Anthony on June 18.
CAMDEN A hiker visiting from New York state was struck with debilitating pain near the highest point on Megunticook Mountain June 11, resulting in rescue teams hiking up trails to carry him out. The call for help came in mid-afternoon through Knox.