[ laughter ] plainclothes persosoel will not be spared. Detectives larue and washington join garbage collection, afternoon detail. Sarge, were in court on the bonitez thing preliminary hearing. 72hour deadline. If we dont make it, hes paroled and dealing coke by midnight. Of course, if we happen to get done by around noon or so, well be glad to pitch in. [ laughter and murmuriri ] item eight as if our hands werent already full, of drug kingpin Gerard Cullen, dead at 31, stabbed in his harrisonville cell by an unknown assailant. So young, so innocent. Talk about stinking trash. To forestall trouble, the city has granted a parade permit along decker avenue, and lieutenant buntz will supervise. Uniformed personnel, please check the board for crowd control. [ cat meows ] ah. Ease welcome officer gracie allen, assignment rat t aching, immediate environs of the station house. Go get em. Dismissed were talking 12foothigh piles of kaka here. Id rather pick up garbage than do crowd control for