Josef mengele was born on march sixteenth one thousand on the ven in goods for bavaria in what was then part of the german empire he was the eldest of carl and valborg a manglers three children his father was the founder and owner of a flourishing Agricultural Machinery company the mangler name was known throughout the varia. The family firm was so successful that adult hitler himself painted a visit in good spoke. To gives him a lot of shorty about what he wants to do but he doesnt want to follow his family into agriculture he wants to become a doctor and of course you know thats fully encouraged that is a respectable profession. Mengele was a good student interested in music art and skiing after finishing secondary school in april one thousand nine hundred thirty he went to study at the university of munich munich was then the headquarters of the nazi party run by at off hitler. In january nine hundred thirty seven Yosef Mengele became an assistant to dr ot more fun for sure at the i