If you're missing a personal touch, creativity and curation, small businesses are the way to go. This holiday season, here are some women-owned shops to add to your list.
As Metro Moves Ahead with the Eagle Rock BRT Project, It Just Gets Stranger and Stranger Details
Last time, we left the BRT Project with the following observation:
“Having tracked this from the beginning, it seems clear that Hilda Solis and Glendale Mayor Ara Najarian have already decided to ram this sucker through for their own political reasons. Whatever the public face. That seemed obvious at the community meetings in 2019. Seems to me the rest is a bunch of bureaucratic BS generating a ton of paper to support the decisions already made.
Kevin de León’s been around politics long enough to know this, and maybe that was what prompted his call to key Eagle Rock leaders. But he has a number of potential problems as this project goes forward.