The Vail Police Department welcomed two new members to its team in February: two young German shorthaired pointers, Crosby and Mojo. Crosby and Mojo are both trained as narcotics detection dogs with the ability to.
Over the past month, both Eagle Valley and Battle Mountain high schools hosted safe driving fairs. The fairs aimed at educating students about the importance of driving safely as well as on the perils of.
While other law enforcement professionals in the valley are out on patrol, in the courthouse or out and about engaging with the community, certain individuals work with people behind bars at the Eagle County Jail. .
While some may consider upcoming holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas the perfect opportunities to let loose, others think of them as a time to avoid the roads. Dealing with an influx of travelers during.
While Eagle County has not seen the same scale of fentanyl overdoses as other counties across the state and country, the threat is still very real. Local leaders, as well as addiction and substance experts,…