Sinomine Resource Group's Zimbabwean lithium mining unit has resumed operations after addressing issues relating to labour management and other regulatory concerns, the company said on Wednesday.
International Monetary Fund staff and Kenya have reached an agreement that could unlock more than $1 billion of new financing, which could help relieve pressure on government finances in East Africa's largest economy.
Ethiopia will launch a tender for a second international telecoms licence in June, the industry regulator said on Monday, as the Horn of Africa nation seeks to expand the sector.
For Mohamed Kordofani, being at the Cannes Film Festival is bittersweet: He directed the first Sudanese film to be included in the festival's official selection as weeks of fighting in Sudan have driven nearly 1.1 million people from their homes.
Six African leaders propose that Ukraine accept opening peace talks with Russia even as Russian troops remain on its soil, South Africa's presidency said on Monday, as South African officials prepare to visit both countries to sell the idea.