EQS Group-Ad-hoc: RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG / Key word(s): Study Relief Reports that U.S. Collaboration Partner Announced Second Favorable Safety Report for ZYESAMI (RLF-100TM/aviptadil) in NIH
Grecia a început vineri să răsufle ușurată după ce incendiile infernale au fost aduse, în sfârșit, sub control, chiar dacă restul țărilor din sudul Europei sunt încă sub alertă
Sâmbătă, 7 August 2021 - Peste 250 de sportivi profesionisti sau amatori vor concura in probele de maraton 45 km, semimaraton 24 km si cross 10 km in cadrul editiei a V-a a competitiei de alergare montana din Circuitul Carpatilor Hit The Egg - Ousoru Challenge.
you know, a clear explanation of red lines and what to expect coming out of this is just going to be, look, we re going to talk tough to putin, see areas of cooperation, but we re also going to convey that they will be held accountable, if they do continue their bad behavior. so take a listen. i shared with our allies that i ll convey what i ll convey to president putin. that i m not looking for conflict with russia. but that we will respond if russia continues its harmful activ activities. so this is exactly what the president has been trying to convey to foreign leaders in the past week or so, meeting with g-7 and eu leaders, that they want to de-escalate as much as possible with russia, find areas of cooperation, knowing that putin is obviously not going to give anything substantial necessarily to the united states, but that there is hope here, that they can at least bring russia a bit out of china s orbit, is one big thing. and also, better into the united states and better a
Trevena Reports First Quarter 2021 Results
May 06, 2021 07:00 ET | Source: Trevena Inc. Trevena Inc.
Company reaffirms YE target of 100 formulary approvals for OLINVYK®
Announces new OLINVYK clinical outcomes study to further examine potential benefit on respiratory, GI, and cognitive function
TRV027 selected for two large, multi-site COVID-19 studies led by NIH / Vanderbilt University Medical Center and REMAP-CAP
TRV045 IND filing remains on track for 1H 2021 with a lead target indication of diabetic neuropathic pain
$97.7M cash at Q1 funds operations through YE 2022
Trevena, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRVN), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel medicines for patients with central nervous system (CNS) disorders, today reported its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2021, and provided an overview of its recent operational