E3 2021 s Digital Event Will Be Free for All After Reports Mooted Paywall
E3 2021 will be a free to attend virtual event – despite reports suggesting the event’s organisers, the Entertainment Software Association, was planning to put some aspects behind a paywall. According to publishing sources speaking with VGC, the firm was considering charging a $35 fee for “premium pass”, which would include exclusive bonuses like on-demand game demos.
However, a spokesperson for the ESA confirmed that this year’s event will, in fact, be free for everyone: “I can confirm on behalf of the ESA that there will be no elements at E3 2021 that will be behind a paid-for pass or paywall.” VGC reports that publishers had been critical of the proposed payment plan, so the theory here is that it’s reneged on the proposal behind-the-scenes.
E3 2021 Will Reportedly Ask Viewers to Pay to View Some Content
June is quickly approaching and although The Entertainment Software Association, which is the group that runs E3, has claimed that it will be holding the annualized event once again, no specifics of the show have come about just yet. However, if a new report ends up being accurate, it sounds as though the digital iteration of E3 2021 could be quite different from normal and might even cost you money.
As reported by VGC, the ESA is said to be planning numerous changes when it comes to E3 2021. The first of these will apparently be a simple rebranding of the event s name. Previously dubbed the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the convention will seemingly now move to be called the Electronic Entertainment Experience. In addition, rather than running for three days like it normally does, this year s show will reportedly last for a week. The first day of the event is then said to be that of June 13th.
Planning for a digital event is underway.
Any E3 2021 live events scheduled for the Los Angeles Convention Centre (LACC) have been cancelled, a new document from the City of Los Angeles reveals.
As reported by VGC, the document says that E3 2021 organisers have “cancelled [its] live event in 2021” and that the city is “working with [its] production team on broadcase options at LA Live/LACC.”
Moreover, the document says the city is with the ESA, the event’s organiser, on a license for both 2022 and 2023.
The news comes after the ESA had already confirmed it was looking to transition E3 2021 to an online event, similar to last year.
E3 2021 May Go Virtual This Year, Event Planned for June 15
E3 2021 may be the first year when the ace gaming conference is held virtually, after the organisers decided to skip 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
E3 2021 is reportedly set to go virtual this year, according to reports on the matter. The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) was skipped in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and now, the organisers behind the event – Entertainment Software Association, is seemingly exploring the possibility of hosting it virtually. Nothing about the event is confirmed as yet, but sources close to the organisers believe that a date of June 15-17, 2021 has been targeted for the ace gaming conference this year. An official announcement for the conference, however, is pending as of now.