whoa. bill: e.t. d. did you both get that wrong. i got it right. bill: another guess. that is amazing. three for three. all amazing that. was not a guess. i have a copy of the dvd at home. hang in there, howard. bill: we have two more questions. i m sure you would like to hear them. we can stop right here. i m done. you certainly are. of which these hollywood hits won a staggering 11 academy awards. cards up, please. the answer is, roll the tape.
surrounding judge urbanski s ruling. only that moses fainted at the thought of six commandments. bill: moses would be very teed off here. obviously. giles county school board being sued by the student and the aclu because they have the 10 commandments posted with also the declaration of independence and the bill of rights. bill: they have it posted where at the school. they have it posted on the grounds of the school which is part of the problem. now, here is the thing. if the school s argument is that they have it there for religious arguments that s not the case. have it there. other historical documents. they say look, we are protected by part of the first amendment that means we need to get rid of it. shall not have other gods before.
obama administration. you know what? it would be perfectly fine invited her to come to a debate and to put somebody else up there to debate her. bill: like you. that s what universities are for. no problem. when you honor her at a graduation ceremony by allowing her to speak, everybody knows that s an honor. what you are saying is this is the type of person. we are all in favor of. ice of the finger of bishops and catholic doctrine. you say? actually i m a pro-life guy so personally i agree with her. the thing that frustrates me about this particular situation is we are now living in a cull purr where everybody has a right to everything. people i think today think they have a right not to be offended, not to have to listen to somebody they disagree with she is pro-choice, we get that. bill: it s beyond pro-choice though. i think my ideas and arguments are better than hers, let s allow her to speak hers and me to speak mine. you are not allowed to speak with her and the
award s statues. what happened to one of the statues? a, lost in the answer is d, correct, michael jackson. i thought you couldn t sell those things. bill: you are not supposed to but if do you nothing will happen to you. kind of like committing murder in new york city. just a joke. sad but true. maccallum breaks on top. question number two, star wars well remembered for wide array of characters. i m captain of the millennium. looking for the passage to the holderum system. yes, indeed if it s a fast ship. you have never heard of the millennium faulk? should i have? it made the capsule run in less than 12 bill: what famous actor
absolutely reprehensible. i think conservatives and many liberals would agree with you on that. there is also, i think, a double standard at work here. see, when conservatives find out about a creationist being fired from a local university they cry foul. governor casey in 1992 pro-life being told he can t come and be a a part of the democratic national convention they scream and holler and shout give him a chance to speak and let him talk. so i think there is a double standard here. bill: the difference is the two things you mentioned are both secular and if this were a secular institution i don t care whether kathleen sebelius talks or not. it doesn t matter to me. i will give you something real quick too. nobody is mentioning about the fact that governor romney is speaking at librescu liberty university. he varies very much from what we would call vision. the moral equivalency there is absolutely outlined. i. bill: that s basically