York. IsrAeli wAr plAnes AttAcking Southern LebAnon After isrAel declAres, quote, A new phAse in the wAr. The isrAeli Air Force sAying they tArgeted militAry buildings And A WeApons Depot belonging to hezbollAh in seven AreAs. The idf Also AttAcking sEverAl AreAs in Southern LebAnon with Artillery fire. Also A missile from lebAnon injuring eight People in isrAel. This All comes on the heels of two dAys of A mAssive coordinAted AttAck tArgeting devices like pAgers And wAlkie tAlkies of hezbollAh members. Those AttAcks TuesdAy And wednesdAy killed At leAst 20 People And injured thousAnds. HezbollAh hAs vowed revenge for these AttAcks And were expected to heAr from the Groups LeAder lAter todAy. Now stAy with Fox News ChAnnel for more on this developing situAtion in the middle eAst. SituAtion in the middle eAst. And ChAnley PAinter And now bAck to regulAr progrAmming AlreAdy ink progress. For we Are going to do A lot of greAt things for New York. We Are going to do thAt And we will bring
she goes around the edges, it wasn t the right president at the right time. that doesn t seem to be a response to him or insulting her. personally worse than that mike, she is not responding to new hampshire voters you know a hell of a lot more you reported on new hampshire primaries candidates, who are supposed to be surging dealt council debates, and refused to answer bogus questions you know joe, of all the primaries that we ve ever held whatever president you re talking about, new hampshire is still is always will be, fun. fun for the candidates. fun for the media, fun for the people. you can sum up the magic of the new hampshire primary, with one story. the late great, mo running for president, he s on the ballot with several of the democrats, the year with 76. he walks into a barbershop, he s shaking hands, a fellow says to him, he who says i would like your phone. the fellow says to him, i m thinking about it, i ve only met you twice. that is the way new hamp