the trump campaign was promising reporters it was going to provide some kind of evidence showing that trump never sexually assaulted any women, but we never received any such documentation. pie the end of today. matter of fact, the only official word coming from the campaign was essentially that statement, an earlier state from hope hicks, donald trump s spokeswoman from today and the remarks donald trump made at these rallies, we did not receive any e-mail evidence or documentary evidence showing that donald trump did not sexually assault these women. it just didn t come. okay. so let s talk about the another woman. the other woman is christen anderson. she came forward with a disturbing account of trump sexually assaulting her, she claims, at a nightclub in the 1990s. let s listen to her account. i was at a club with my friends and i m talking to my friend who i m sitting to and across from on my left side. i m very clear on this.
women, but we never received any documentation. the only official word coming from the campaign was essentially that statement, an earlier state from hope hicks, donald trump s spokeswoman from today and the remarks donald trump made at these rallies, we did not receive any e-mail evidence or documentary evidence showing that donald trump did not sexual assault these women. it just didn t come. okay. so let s talk about the another woman. the other woman is christen anderson. she came forward with a disturbing account of trump sexual assaulting her she claims at a nightclub in the 1990s. let s listen to her account. i was at a club with my friends and i m talking to my friend who i m sitting to and across from on my left side. i m very clear on this. this is the vivid part for me. so, the person on my right, who
congressional subpoena, she deleted 33,000 e-mails, she lied to congress under oath. she made 13 iphones disappear. some with a hammer. and now we re learning two boxes of e-mail evidence and other things are mysteriously missing. the wikileaks documents show that the clinton campaign was colluding directly with the department of state and justice, so the investigation and on the investigation of her e-mails and her illegal server that put our national security at grave risk. hillary clinton should have been prosecuted and gone to jail for what she did. donald trump there, bangor,
so we know they targeted the irs, they destroyed evidence and the just department says no go. is this a precursor of or a preview of coming attractions if the fbi were to find information about benghazi, about the clinton foundation or confidential top secret information on the deleted e-mails? does it mean it s politicized to that degree? sean, we have all kinds of confidence in the fbi. what we don t have confidence in is the justice department. jason s right. there s all kinds of e-mail evidence where she said the tea party is dangerous. where she says we re going to start a c-4 project next year we have to make sure it s not political. we have to make sure to hide the fact. yet, this justice department said no, it s prosecuting miss lerner and anyone else at the irs who lass done something wrong. but it s not the fbi, it s the justice department. walk us through the impeachment of the irs
so we know they targeted the irs, they destroyed evidence and the just department says no go. is this a precursor of or a preview of coming attractions if the fbi were to find information about benghazi, about the clinton foundation or confidential top secret information on the deleted e-mails? does it mean it s politicized to that degree? sean, we have all kinds of confidence in the fbi. what we don t have confidence in is the justice department. jason s right. there s all kinds of e-mail evidence where she said the tea party is dangerous. where she says we re going to start a c-4 project next year we have to make sure it s not political. we have to make sure to hide the fact. yet, this justice department said no, it s prosecuting miss lerner and anyone else at the irs who lass done something wrong. but it s not the fbi, it s the justice department. walk us through the impeachment of the irs