the museum is chaired by the former chancellor george osborne, his institution under pressure. because, of course, we now believe more than 1500 items were stolen, damaged or are missing from this place with the british museum under increasing scrutiny. this is already being reported across the globe in the media. the british museum is a, probably the world s most famous museum. so the culture department would be wanting to assure itself from the board of trustees and george osborne that it has the governance in place to protect these items now and in the future and to prevent anything like this ever happening again. just as damaging is what happened later. according to the e mail chain, dr gradel sent his evidence to george osborne via another trustee in october 2022, saying he was certain the british museum management had preferred to sweep the whole affair under the carpet. the next day, george osborne e mailed hartwig fischer, the museum director. these are very serious allegation
the governance in place to protect these items now and in the future, and to prevent anything like this ever happening again. just as damaging is what happened later. according to the e mail chain, dr gradel sent his evidence to george osborne, the chair of the british museum, via another trustee in october 2022, saying he was certain the british museum management had preferred to sweep the whole affair under the carpet. that same day, hartwig fisher e mailed the trustee who had been the go between, saying the case had been thoroughly investigated and that there was no evidence to substantiate the allegations. that is a demonstrable falsehood, dr gradel emailed george osborne in january this year. mr osborne replied, saying he was taking your finally, scotland yard was called in to investigate, more than two years after the original allegations
clearly first of all, he built a fire wall in 2019 to the american people. he said i have no idea what my son was doing. in a debate with president trump, he said my son didn t do business with china. if you didn t know, how did you know he was doing business with china or not? we found out it was a lie. hunter was doing business with china. it was also a lie that joe biden had dozens if not scores of meetings and interactions with hunter and his business associates. martha: you d think you d realize that this can all come out, might get out in front of it and say, of course, there were times when i said hi to people, shook their hands. i wasn t involved in this. might have been a wiser way to go. i think this e-mail chain and chain of events explains some of this as well. in april of 2014, hunter wrote an e-mail to archer. the announcement of my guy, who he seems to refer to as his father in many of these
laws to support them. we are not going to stop fighting for texts. yeah, you mention the 155 page injunction that was released by numerous examples and behind the scenes e-mails from the white house to social media giants. what i thought was so interesting is that this was not just about a press department at the white house trying to spin some kind of narratives. this was happening throughout the federal government. can you talk about how you found this happening in an expansive way throughout the federal government. yes, that s right. like i said, we only begun to scratch the surface, we have an e-mail chain between 2021 from rob flaherty with big tech corporations where he s targeting any kind of skepticism about masks, vaccines in
e-mail chain who said yes, that is how the meeting went down. the truth has to lie in their somewhere. a very very positive thing that david wise seems open to having conversations in the committee, and other interview, he s got to be the one to clarify where these sides do not match up. will: as you point out there are other people in the meeting and you know shapley took notes that day and other people verified they heard the same thing. it is not really he said she said. you need the other witnesses to step in, they heard as well. rachel: rachel: being a whistleblower is troubling for your career. the biden administration made it more difficult, many of them said they were told coming forward would be career suicide. joe: i want to make sure people understand the allegation of