Maintenance works will be carried out on Talian Darussaam 123 (TD123) on April 27 from noon until 2am, the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) said. TD123’s communication channels – Hotline 123, WhatsApp LiveChat, LiveChat website and TD123 mobile application – will not be accessible on the date and time mentioned. The public is advised to contact […]
The basic focus of the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) remained on guaranteeing safety in the transportation sector and the cyber realm, increasing public well-being by providing services of fast, clean and leveraging technology and simplify means to support the development of a sustainable country. This was said by Minister of Transport and Infocommunications […]
15 legislative council members recently visited the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) and Cyber Security Brunei (CSB). The visit aims to bounce ideas to further invigorate digital transformation in the government sector, as well as get a closer look at the ability and efforts in dealing with cyber security threats in Brunei Darussalam through a Whole-of-Nation […]
Legislative Council members (LegCo) recently visited the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) and Cyber Security Brunei (CSB) to exchange ideas regarding the digital transformation in the government sector and look more closely at the nation’s ability to combat cyber threats. The LegCo delegation met with EGNC Acting Director Pengiran Amirul Hayat bin Pengiran Haji Yussof during […]
Darussalam Line 123 (TD123), through the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC), appreciates the feedback and concern shared by the writer, Desperate, whose letter ‘Radio silence from the national call centre’ was published in the Opinion page on June 10. As TD123 was established to operate as a 24/7 […]