Google Play Books update now allows users to read eBooks in a dual-column view, like a physical book, making foldable devices more user-friendly for readers.
Free e-book App Dpustak launched
Books are always a fascinating thing among readers. With the invention of e-book Technology, book reading
| 22 Jan 2021 3:24 AM GMT
GUWAHATI: Books are always a fascinating thing among readers. With the invention of e-book Technology, book reading has reached a new level. Now readers can read books on the go. However, the available E-Book app costs you a lot of money. A Free E-Book app is launched named Dpustak . The App is available on Google Play Store and you can search the website also -
A 25 year-old boy, Partha Pratim Deka from Guwahati has created a free E-Book App for all the readers. During the nationwide Lockdown he perceived the idea and developed his idea into a Free