people see between barack obama and bill clinton. the obama campaign and the primaries in 08 probably wanted to make it look a little bigger because he was running against hillary clinton at times, particularly on the iraq war. i think these guys are very close in their view of the world. no doubt about it. we ll see how close during that convention as well. e.j. dionne, thank you so much. it s great to be with you. a lot more coming up in the next half hour on the ed show. stay tuned. was there ever any year when you paid lower than the 13.9%? i haven t calculated that. mitt romney can t answer a very simple yes or no question. up next, our panel will weigh in on romney s best nonanswer yet. i don t pay more than i legally have to, and if i had paid more than is legally do, i don t think i d be qualified to become president. in tonight s dyson-ary, i ll define the word obphiscate.
as many of you quo, i have been a university professor for nearly a quarter century, but you may not know that before that as a kid in the ghetto of detroit, my schoolmates teased me. they predicted what i would become long before i would know my destiny. i won a couple of spelling bees and later a few contests as well. so i guess you could say my love for words started when i was knee high to a tadpole. back then when i didn t know a word my mama used to tell me, look it up in the dictionary. boy, those were the days when a kid actually had to turn to a physical volume that contained the wonder of the worded world. now you just google it. the merriam-webster dictionary was my favorite along with the oxford english dictionary. tonight, i want to introduce you to the dyson-ary. get it? each night this week, i ll define a word in his political, cultural, and moral context. tonight s word is obfuscate. here is a quick example.
i don t pay more than are legally due. and frankly, if i had paid more than are legally due, i wouldn t be qualified to become president. in tonight s dyson-ary, i ll define the world obfiskate through the candidacy of romney. and t.j. holmes tweeted he was pulled over for driving while black. he ll weigh in on the race relations debate in america and president obama s role. this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i m at my best. centrum. always your most complete.
in tonight s dyson-ary, through the candidacy of mitt romney. and journalists t.j. holmes tweeted that he was pulled over while driving while black. tonight, holmes will weigh in on the race debate. sweetie, you have to scrub it first.
they were mocking him, and then he goes today to israel and essentially says that the israeli culture is superior to that of the palestinians. so he s basically going from nation to nation offending people. i don t know if that s a good resume builder for president of the united states. he s taking the word offensive to a new level. joy reid, john bramnick, and emily, thank you so much. we ll go beyond the pundits and sound bites to get a better understand of what romney is up to. the word that captures his candidacy will crack open the dyson-ary for insight, next. gr. [ man ] you think jason bourne was the whole story? there s a lot more going on here. who the hell is he? it s aaron cross. you trying to put me down? [ man ] i thought they were dead! yeah, he s supposed to be dead. [ woman ] we have never seen evaluations like this.