By Breanna Laws For The Tribune
English as a Second Language teachers Pilar Sarria (Left) and Monica Fernandez (Right) teach kindergarteners in the new DLI program traditional Colombian dances and songs.
In fall 2019, Elkin City Schools began creating a complex program never before seen in the district, a Dual Language Immersion program (DLI). This program aims to get children bilingual by the time they leave elementary school in Spanish and English.
Pam Colbert, Director of Global Studies and Virtual Learning, accredits the initial reasoning behind starting the program to wanting to “set apart the kids in Elkin” and prepare them for a diverse, competitive world. She believes that, sometimes, living in such a close-knit small town like Elkin allows people to forget how diverse our world is. This program will allow students to develop a love and appreciation for multiple languages and cultures.