RJD chief Lalu Prasad s daughter Rohini Acharya on Tuesday began her campaign for the Lok Sabha polls in Bihar and asserted that Saran constituency from where she is contesting on a party ticket would soon become her "karmbhoomi". Acharya, who donated a kidney to her father, arrived at Pahleza Ghat in Sonepur and was greeted by a large number of party supporters.
India News: On a day when union home minister and BJP poll manager Amit Shah came to Karnataka, to “unify” a state unit that has been at odds with each other, reb.
Asserting that she has a "glorious right-wing personality", Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday accused the Congress of supporting nepotism and specifically targeted its leaders Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi.
BENGALURU: Congress nominate sons, daughters and relatives of top functionaries and ministers in Karnataka for the Lok Sabha elections may have come i.
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday said giving tickets to the children and relatives of ministers was not dynastic politics but acknowledging the recommendation of voters.