Kounalakis. Here. Commissioner. Here. Motion for the minutes of the september 21, 2016 and september meeting. There was one thing in the agenda under oh gosh. I dont know the page number. Im sorry. Never mind. Thank you. Or second. Okay. We have a motion and a second. All in favor of the minutes of september 27 and september 27 say aye. Aye. Opposed . Item 2, Public Comment on executive session. Is there any Public Comment on executive session . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Number 4 executive session. So moved. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. I move to reconvene in open session. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . I move not to disclose anything discussed in closed session. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Madam secretary. Pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag to the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised that the rolling of
[indistinct conversations] thank you for representing the people. Ive had several people come up and tell me i did an amazing job. I know i did an amazing job, but its so great to hear it. Theres some people saying we need to set a magic threshold to get a welfare check. Infiltrating the party and fighting over the money. And 2012 they had three state affiliates, all of which had a different president ial candidates on the ballot. I do not want that happening to this party. I want this party to stay libertarian for my entire life and beyond. More room tomorrow, to the white house coverage with the libertarian nomination process from florida. Secretary, we proudly votes tof our delegate the next president of the United States [cheers and applause] each year, nancy pelosi holds a womens History Month reception at the capital. This year, Michelle Obama, joe biden, and Cathy Mcmorris rodgers joined her honor Women Veterans. This is one hour. The thank you for joining us for this annual cel
Thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you all for your presentations. We have 20 minutes now for questions. Im sure that our panel can give us some great insights and answers to questions. My question really would be this. You have all kind of been there, done that as governors. What tip, what piece of advice would you give to us all as governors that would help us become more effective in our jobs in our respective states . Lets start reverse order. Senator warner, we will start with you and go that way. Will that be okay . I think one of the things that is never going to get you very much attention but if you can keep pounding at home, i think the kind of argument we have between Big Government and small government is false choice. People want effective government in trying to jack markel did a great job when he was treasurer of delaware and helped teach me. Finding ways where you can deliver more Efficient Government and squeeze out efficiencies whether purchasing power, whether
Meaning. While trying to enhance competition in the settop box market, the item shoots miles beyond that narrow frame on its very first page redefining statutory terms referencing to hardware such as navigation device, interactive communication equipment and other equipment to mean hardware or Software Including apps. I dont know how much clearer the terms device or equipment could be in their intent to reference tangible, physical hardware. If those words dont work to restrict the commission, are there any that could . I dont think that anyone here believes for a second that stellar could have made it out of a single congressal committee if the members knew it would be interpreted to allow the fcc to force them to stream all of their content for free to any app developer willing to jump through a few hoops. Getting back to the original question, why this proposal . The rational stated is to achieve parity among competing interfaces and first glance anyone can see that the opposite wou