Dynamic Conveyor’s DynaRoller is a motor driven, zone powered conveyor system offering zero pressure accumulation functionality that can be used in applications such as packaging, sortation, fulfillment, end-of-line manufacturing, robotics integration, an
Grand Rapids Business Journal
Courtesy Dynamic Conveyor
A maker of custom conveyor systems rolled out a new high-impact model in its Hybrid line for the conveyance of large, heavy plastic parts.
Jill Batka, president of Norton Shores-based Dynamic Conveyor, said the company launched a new model in its Hybrid line of conveyors that can increase plastic molding manufacturing efficiencies, as it is designed to convey large and heavy plastic parts.
“This new high-impact conveyor model is designed to include a heavy-duty plastic link style belt and a slider-bed drop zone,” she said. “Incorporating the drop zone and heavy-duty belting allows the conveyor to endure the intense impact that occurs (repeatedly) when heavy products are dropped onto the conveyor.”
Custom conveyor manufacturer Dynamic Conveyor Corp. celebrates 30 years of conveyor innovation
Dynamic Conveyor Corp. is celebrating 30 years of conveyor manufacturing.
Over the years, the company has grown to become a leader in the design and building of innovative conveyor solutions to the parts manufacturing, packaging, and food processing industries.
Dynamic Conveyor Corporation introduced the DynaCon conveyor system to the injection molding industry in 1991. The DynaCon conveyor systems offer parts manufacturers the ability to build their own conveyors using modules (like Lego building blocks) to configure and later reconfigure their conveyor layouts.
The DynaClean line of conveyors was introduced to food processors in 2011 as a time saving alternative to difficult to clean sanitary conveyors. DynaClean conveyors offer a patented design that cuts cleaning times in half when compared to traditional sanitary conveyors.