dwi divided into groups on the basis of race, and been told, it s 2022, how do you pick, whether you re black, white, an ally, the fact is that i happen to think segregation is bad, and i m not going to let that go. let s move on. let s do the gender, sexuality, transgender issues of kids in school and whether or not, just how it s being addressed. one of my children is gay. they re trying to push the don t say gay, and it upsets me because i want her to go to school and learn. all i care about is her getting a great education, and i want her to feel she has opportunities in this world, and shouldn t have to care about the color of her skin or who she wants to love and just live a normal life. we don t get that chance because people are telling her she can t be who she is. as someone who is transgender, i know the vast majority of arguments against gay and trans kids and talking
Sixty-one “DWI enforcer all-stars” were honored during pre-game activities at Target Field on Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. Among them were Deputy Nicholas Moberg, of Kandiyohi County, and Deputy Nathaniel Younkin, of Stearns County.