there are things about the criminal justice system that we don t talk about. the facility that you go to has a big decision to play in determining how you serve your time. years ago, if you recall, chris tilton had a dwi. she would go to the facility and be let out early and people would wonder what is going on? what any warden will say is, i don t want him in my facility because i cannot keep him safe. so don t sent him here. there s a possibility he is sentenced to time. i think it is remote, but the likelihood of him being inside a jail cell is nonexistent. i m curious. is their buzz around the courthouse about stormy daniels and do you see the upside or the peril that the prosecution has putting her on the stand? i don t know that there s a ton of conversations. i think reporters are talking
Eureka Police arrested a Texas man March 24 for suspicion of driving while intoxicated after receiving a report that he was drinking and smoking marijuana while driving.