i got todi give you a lot of v credit. you very quickly went right for the wrist as a martial artist. i respect your quick response on and i wish would wish you would have used the left hand ,o but the fact that you acted that quickly prevented him from sticking that knife, you could u he could have hit your carotid. we he could have hi may nott your we may not be having this i c discussion today. you did a great job.on i congratulategr. , sean, well, thank you, sean. and i also have a lot of credit to the seven, eight , nine ,tei ten other people who instantlyoh ,within a few moments came to the stage and tackled this attacker. just a the law enforcement was there just a couple of minutes later y and they arrested the guy. a lot went right in saw h the responseim. when i saw him lunge at me with that weapon in his hand , he was going towards n my necktf area. i just instinctively went right up to grabwent rig that wrist a just needed to hold it for a few moments until th
ina warranright. and everything proved to be incorrect, fraudulent, madela up an absolute sham.s countr they dragged this countrythey through and here they areone do again, raiding the guy s house.g i mean, when dwhen youo you giv when do you say enough s being enough? when do yo whou give a human beg who fought so hard for this country? when you give them the benefit of the doubt, it s got to stop.p ub sean, i mean, this is we d. have a banana republic stuff. so hillary clinton deletes the all right. so hillary clinton deletes the thirty three thousand emails. she come shes up with the dirtyt russian dossier that dossiershao disseminatedssiers to the press the media mob of the willingacse accomplices. they disseminate false information in the lead up to the twenty sixteen election. md nothing happens to her.ogize nothing happens toor the media.e they don t evecon apologize or o correct the record at anyur particular point. then, of course, thatverifi information unverified is used to