Dear Diary, I haz a major problem. I mean like seriously major. I’ve got to be honest, it’s so big a problem that it may well mean that I can’t go to the cult event Your Horse is Alive, even though it’s been announced that I’m going and like Taylor, the effect of Hoviseconomics is […]
Horse & Hound
Trending: Credit: Karen Thompson
Dear diary,
It’s day 198 billion of the human strangles epidemic and while there is much hope on the horizon due to them stabbing needles into people with the speed, efficiency and malicious enjoyment usually only seen in Herman when he’s using me as a Hovine pin cushion and charging mother for the privilege, the days for those of us with box resting humans are becoming something of an endurance.
It would appear that half the problem is humans not understanding the concept of box rest particularly well and thus wandering about like a bunch of feral Welsh mountain ponies, unfettered and sharing bodily fluids with the sort of gay abandonment which results in some dubious genealogy.