financing fossil fuels here she is trying to explain her point.> you have all committed, as you all know, to transition the emissions from lending and investment activity to line with pathways to net zero on twenty fifty .0. yo do you know what tu know what tl energy energy agency has agenc d is required to meet our goal global 2015.o targets a limitin temperature rise their targets of limiting global temperature rise to two point seven degrees fahrenheit or one point five degrees celsius. so no new fossil fuelik production starting today. that s so that s like zero that that was harder to follow than a dwarf through a corn maze. and yet i ve been there. i ve been there. and yet that s the kettle calling the pot black.
A 28-year-old Gwalior man with an MBA qualification has claimed that he was not getting employment opportunities due to his short height until Congress MLA Praveen Pathak came to support and help him in landing a job.