Air Liquide has released a variable set of third quarter 2022 figures but forecasts around 15% growth in full year group and gas & services revenues on the back of high energy prices, ahead of.
"For centuries the Dutch State and its representatives facilitated, stimulated, preserved, and profited from slavery. For centuries, in the name of the Dutch State, human beings were made into com.
A leading Jamaican academic has welcomed the apology by Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands for his country's role in the transatlantic slave trade as "a step beyond what existed before"..
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.
By Wayne Campbell
“For centuries, the Dutch state and its representatives facilitated, stimulated, preserved, and profited from slavery. For centuries, in the name of the Dutch State, human beings were made into commodities, exploited, and abused.” - Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte
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