Ammo Grrrll has some advice: MAKE NEW FRIENDS; AND KEEP THE OLD. She writes When I was a kid, my mother showed me her “Autograph Book” from when SHE was a kid. It wasn’t for autographs of famous people, though I imagine such signatures would have been much prized. The number of celebrities trundling through eastern South Dakota right on the border with Minnesota must have been vanishingly small in
Ammo Grrrll reflects on A LIFETIME OF UNFORCED DIVERSITY. She writes: Merry Christmas tonight and tomorrow to all our Christian readers, commenters and friends. On these days that are sacred to so many, I offer what I hope is an upbeat paean to this great and good land. I grew up in a small Minnesota town where there was not one person who was not white. It’s not my fault,
Ammo Grrrll meditates on the MARGINALIZED AND UNDERSERVED. She writes: Here are two of MANY stupid, basically made-up words that have slithered into the lexicon for a couple of decades now. We are all supposed to get all hot and bothered if some individual – and especially some GROUP – is “marginalized” and probably also “underserved.” Well, who the hell isn’t? In the plaintive words of marginalized recluse Emily Dickenson,
Ammo Grrrll laments THESE THINGS WON’T COME THIS WAY AGAIN. She writes: I got to thinking about this topic when I proposed an outing to my bestie here that involved several different stops. (No, absolutely NOT the kind of outing in which it is revealed that Superman now has switched teams, or at least plays for both. I would have thought the flamboyant skin-tight outfit – WITH a cape, no
Ammo Grrrll is knows what it feels like WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN. She writes: Several of the kings of over-the-top dramatic singing have covered the ultra-romantic song “When A Man Loves A Woman” – Percy Sledge, Michael Bolton, and most recently, the wonderful Home Free tenor, Austin Brown. Look for him here on YouTube and enjoy his rendition in all its glory. Now I’m not trying to poach